Model Finds Love In the Streets of New York after Walking About With a "Looking-for-a-Husband" Sign.


Karolina Getis, a 29 year old model and influencer took to the streets of New York in search of a husband after two years of being single. Miss Getis explained  that she had grown weary of noncommittal wannabe play boys in online dating sites. 

Practically, finding a man who is willing to commit is a serious task. The 5-foot-9 model said that it took her about 30 minutes before someone stopped and swoop her off her feet - literally.

In her words she said, “I decided to make a sign that says ‘Looking for a husband’ and walk around the city to see if that would work".

“I believe that if I make an actual sign for anything I want — a husband, a Birkin, Chanel,” said Geits, “the universe will see it and send me exactly what I want.”

The model ignited a range of emotions from laughter to intrigue while she paraded her sign in a stylish multi-colored top and jeans on September 4.

Luckily, she found someone and according to her, she has decided to keep him away from the lime light. According to Getis, they are both in constant communication with hopes that a spark is ignited betwixt them.

In her words, "I'm now in touch with him and we're chatting with each other - we'll see what happens in the future."

Miss Getis says rewatching the reactions of the onlookers is the most interesting part, which she has already done multiple times. She explained that she didn't get to see the reactions of the people watching her because her range of sight was obscured by the sign she had lifted.

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