7 Signs To See A Man Is Attracted To You Sexually

7 Signs  To See  A Man Is Attracted To You Sexually

When a man talks to you or shows up in your inbox, it can be hard to tell exactly what they want. Usually, guys start out talking to me like they want to get to know me, and then some of them steer towards just wanting to hit the sheets together.

I’ve asked, and they tell me that was their mission from the get-go. It can be confusing because a lot of them seem so sincere, which includes the ones that want to date and the ones that want to have sex. 

It can also be hard to tell what is going on in a man’s mind at any given time. I’m going to save you the guesswork, though. Take the time to learn about sexual attraction, why this is different than anything to do with emotions, and learn plenty of signals to help you figure out if he’s sexually attracted to you. 

What Is Sex Attraction?

The sexual attraction is exactly what it sounds like: one person is attracted to another person sexually. This is not about love or romance. Instead, it is about sexual tension and desire. It means that there is something about someone that instantly gets your temperature higher and certain body parts on fire. 

When a man is attracted to a woman, it can be hard to tell if you don’t know the signs. Thankfully, a man will put off certain clues to instantly let you know that he is feeling that way. His body language, eye contact, communication and more can tell you that he’s feeling you, and wants to feel your body. 

Sexual Attraction Is Not A Relationship

It’s important to note that there is a big difference between this type of attraction and a man wanting a relationship. Women are known for getting the two confused, and men don’t help. They often start their primal urge to mate with dates and long conversations even though the end goal is to have sex, and has nothing to do with a relationship. The sexual attraction is based purely on the desire to be in bed with you, and not about a relationship. Sometimes, a relationship will naturally evolve, but that’s not always the case. 

These tips are to help you determine if he is interested in you sexually. Nothing more, and nothing less. While you’re trying to figure out if a guy is feeling this way, try not to let your feelings come into play. Men don’t always associate sex with feelings, so you should not associate a guy wanting to have sex with you with anything more than that. 

Level Of How He Communicates

How a man chooses to communicate can convey his level of interest in you as a person. If a guy is only interested in one thing, he won’t try to get to know you as a person. There might be small talk about your day, but there will not be a string of long conversations about your hopes or dreams. These are key indicators that your current crush has something more sexual on his mind. If he does want a relationship with you, you’ll notice these things when he wants to take it to the next level. 

1. Text Vs. Talk

A guy that wants to get to know you more or is thinking of a relationship will be more likely to have phone conversations with you whereas a guy that is thinking more along the lines of sex will keep things short with text messages. Because things are a bit more modern, and plenty of guys prefer to text now, you also have to consider the context of his text messages. Text conversations are not one of the definite signs that he just wants to hit the sheets. Pay attention to what he says. For example, does he ask for full body selfies every day or does he ask more about your day? Does he flirt with you, making jokes about how he’s jealous that you were in the shower without him or ignore the fact that you were just in the shower? His words and how much he enjoys flirting are clues as to what he wants and are exceptional signs a man is attracted to you sexually. 

This can often be deceiving, though. Remember, sometimes, a guy will begin with discussions to get to know you as if they are thinking about relationships only to want sex. The way to tell the difference is by how long they keep it up. A guy that is just feeling lustful won’t continue the act while one that truly likes you as a person will because it isn’t an act. 

2. He Tries To Get Your Attention Always 

If you haven’t already noticed him yet, he’ll try to get your attention always. He might show off a few moves on the dance floor or flash you a grin. If he’s having drinks at a restaurant, he might go to the bathroom to “accidentally” run into you. Or, a more obvious approach might be taken and he’ll simply stare at your cleavage. There are thousands of ways that he can get you to look his way, and he’s going to find one that works. 

3.He Keeps Touching You

If a man is sexually attracted to you, he wants to touch you anytime. Obviously he wants to touch more than just your arm, but he’s not going to start groping you randomly to show that he’s sexually attracted to you unless you’re in the club, but we’re not talking about that. If a man is sexually attracted to you, he’ll touch you more in subtle ways. He’ll touch your arm or leg during the conversation, or he’ll hug you for a second or two longer than necessary. Sometimes, it will seem like he’s finding an excuse to be in close proximity. Sometimes, it might be less obvious, especially if a man does not know if you feel the same way yet. He might start out with “accidentally” brushing up against you to see how you react. He could also start off with a casual hug before leaving or when seeing you. This is another test to see how you react. Guys don’t want to shoot their shot just to be left feeling embarrassed.

4. He Wants To Stays Closer Than Arms Length

One of the most obvious signs a man is attracted to you sexually is how close he is to you physically. When his hormones are raging, he’ll be closer than arm’s length to you. This doesn’t apply if the area is crowded, like on a packed train or subway. If there is ample room and he still chooses to stand as close as possible to you, it’s one of the biggest signs. He is just fully into you, he cant help himself. 

5. The Look In His Eyes Is Intense

Not only will a man that is attracted to you sexually lock eyes with you, but it will also be intense. When he looks at you, it will feel like he’s gazing into your soul. This is the sexual chemistry between the two of you. If it feels so intense that you can feel it radiate throughout your body when the two of you look at each other in the eye, it means that he’s sexually attracted to you. 

6. Smiling

Smiling is an important thing during interactions. It shows that someone is available, and most people find smiling attractive. He could be smiling to invite you over for conversation or to get your attention. If his smile is a genuine one because he is having a good time, you’ll see it in his eyes too. 

7. The Dominant Pose

This is one of the more obvious signs of sexual attraction. A man will stand with his back straight and his feet slightly apart planted on the ground. He might stick out his chest a little bit or square his shoulders too. This is a dominant pose that men use when they feel sexual attraction or they want to assert dominance over someone else. 

Next time you see these signs just know the person is fully into and is attracted to you sexually. 

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