Interesting Facts About the World's Fastest Land Animal, The Cheetah.

Here is one of my favorite quotes of all time. Joshua Aaron Guillory was spot on here:

"Life is a snail ride. Move at your own pace. Do what you want to do. And also move like a cheetah when you feel like it. And strike like a lion. People will learn."

You have probably seen this quote somewhere, and it gave you good feels like every motivational quote. I love it as well.

Cheetahs are graceful beauties. They are distinct from other spotted wild cats. Their speed being their standout. It is common to confuse cheetahs with their feline cousins, leopards and jaguars. While cheetahs have solid black, round spots evenly dispersed across their body, leopards feature larger, more spread-out spots. On the other hand, jaguars sport rosettes that are larger than those of leopards.

We have gathered interesting facts about cheetahs that might excite you. I hope you enjoy the read.

1. The fastest land animal is built for speed and not stamina. A cheetah chase usually lasts less than a minute, and covers just 200-300 metres

2. Cheetahs accelerate faster than most sports cars. They can go from nought to 60mph in three seconds.

3. Male cheetahs are social animals. The females are solitary and spend most of their time raising their cubs.

4. Cheetahs hunt in the day unlike most big cats.

5. Cheetahs don't roar, they rather produce other sounds like chirping, growling, hissing and purring. They lack the two-piece bones of the throat that allow other big cats to roar.

6. In ancient Egypt cheetahs were considered a symbol of royalty.

7. Cheetahs have about 2000 spots. They are the first animals that come to mind when you remember a spotted wild cat.

8. The word 'cheetah' comes from Hindi, originally 'chita' which means spotted one.

9. Cheetahs have excellent eye sight. As well as speed, cheetahs have an excellent sense of vision, which enables them to spot and chase prey from 3 miles away.

10. Cheetahs can live up to 10 years in the wild, but under captivity they can live up to 20 years.

11. The population of cheetahs is only about 7000.

12. Unlike most wild cats, cheetahs are not natural climbers. Their bodies are adapted for speed not climbing.

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