Woman Share Her Painful Experience How She Was Made To Beg Her Husband To Borrow Her Money For CS.

So touching !🥲 

Woman Share Her Painful Experience How She Was Made To Beg Her Husband To Borrow Her Money For CS. 

Janet, I want to share my story concerning the trending comment a woman made that she begged her husband to borrow her money for CS. 

Mine was that I was booked for CS. Which hubby knew. On the said day, he went to work and we have no maid. I called him that I'm already in the hospital, he said he's coming. On getting there he was asked to deposit, he came to me and said I should give him my ATM. I refused , he then said, don't you want to have the baby again? I said yes off course I want my baby..he said then deposit money so the doctor can commence. 

I told him I don't have money, he knew about the money in my account which was for my business and goods were already on the way. 

He said he can't waste his money on cs that if I had vaginal birth he would have paid any amount. The doctors and nurses kept coming till midnight. By then he has gone and I was going pains all over my waste. At around 2am I told my mom to call him, he asked if I have deposited? My mom said no, my mom began crying on the phone, begging him to pay the money, he refused. I later paid and the cs was carried out. When he heard that I have birth through cs he said it's alright that I have money to be throwing. 

Then my second child was also cs, I started stealing his money from the day I realized that I'm pregnant. He refused to pay and this time he told me , if I like I should birth ten through cs, that he won't pay a dime. After the cs , I paid. Till date he  has not asked me where I got the money.

When my third baby came, I told him I don't have money that he should pay this time. He said it's better I ab@rt the baby now that it's still early, on my third month I had a miscarriage. He said the baby knows he won't pay for the cs and decides to go back peacefully.

I have zip up..

No more babies for now..

Women pass through allot in marriage. When I read that post I smiled because I have been there. Each time we have sxxx he will say as you are mooowing and huooooowing keep your money for CS. 

We were in the same faculty at Unilag. Book does not change character or attitude. Please share

Credit: —Janet Afia

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