The best preserved Stadium of the Mediterranean: Stadium of Aphrodisias.

 The Stadium of Aphrodisias, Asia Minor (Turkey) is considered the best preserved stadium in the Mediterranean. With a length of 262 meters, a width of 59 meters and a capacity of 30,000 spectators on 22 rows of seats, it is also one of the largest of its kind.

Unlike, for example, the construction of the Perge stadium (also one of the largest stadiums in Asia Minor), the substructure of the rows of seats was largely made up of mounds of earth. This is an indication that the original building of the stadium was already built in Hellenistic times. Another special feature of this stadium is that it is closed on both narrow sides. Thus it differs clearly from the mostly horseshoe-shaped stadiums of the Roman Empire.

The athletes entered the arena through a tunnel embedded in the narrow sides of the stadium. Above the western entrance tunnel was the emperor's box, from where he opened the games held in his honor.

The stadium was originally crowned by a circumferential portico (colonnade). Holes in the rows of seats and supporting stones on the outside of the portico testify to the existence of a sunscreen. The spectators reached their seats from the outside via staircases and were distributed over the portico.

In Hellenistic times, sports such as wrestling, boxing, discus and javelin throwing as well as running competitions found a wide audience.

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