Green Boots

Green boots 

Everyone wants to make history, everyone wants to be remembered. For the love of adventure, humans have dared to outdo themselves. Doing the unthinkable like scaling heights in the freezing in the cold, travelling to extreme places in the planet, and so many more.

I'm pretty sure that we've all heard about Mount Everest at some point in our lives. It is the world's highest mountain above sea level with an elevation of 8,849.86; located in the Mahalangur Himal sub-range of the Himalayas. 

Temperatures at the peak drop as low as -37 Degrees Fahrenheit during winter, and average about -2 Fahrenheit to 0 Degrees Fahrenheit in the summer.

An estimated number of 6,338 people have made it to the top. That is a whole. The first recorded human to stand at the peak of Everest was Edmund Hillary on May 29, 1953.

Before him, hundreds of thousands have tried to get to the peak, but have failed due to exhaustion and the merciless freezing cold.

Over 200 dead bodies lay along the routes to the top of Mount Everest. The bodies have served as landmarks over the years and have been given nicknames such as "Green Boots" and "Sleeping Beauty".

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